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Bovis Groupe with aeronautical

A new milestone reached: The Bovis Group certified EN9100 for excellence in aeronautics

The EN 9100 standard is a European quality assurance standard for the Aeronautics, Space and Defence (ASD) sector. It is the equivalent of the American AS9100 and the Japanese JISQ9100.

Based on the structure of the ISO 9001 standard, EN 9100 contains additional requirements to respond more precisely to the ASD sectors. The latest version of the standard bears the reference NF EN 9100: 2018.

Companies audited according to the EN9100 standard are registered in the OASIS (Online Aerospace Supplier Information System) global database, which brings together suppliers to the aerospace industry in Europe, America and Japan. The EN 9100 standard therefore offers worldwide recognition.

With this certification, the Bovis Group has established itself as a key player in the Aeronautics, Space and Defense (ASD) sector in France.

Turnkey services for the ASD sector


The Bovis Group offers turnkey services for the Aeronautics, Space and Defense (ASD) sector:

EN9100 certification

  • Heavy handling and lifting

  • Industrial transfer

  • Handling of aircraft components

  • Transport in exceptional convoys

  • Aircraft Engine Logistics Management

  • Aircraft Tooling Management

  • Aircraft engine, tooling and seat storage

  • Industrial maintenance

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